

Highlighting stakeholder communication: Fosun Pharma issued CSR Report 2013

On Mar. 24, 2014, Fosun Pharma issued Fosun Pharma Social Responsibility Report 2013 in the same period with its annual report, showing to the public the Group’s moves and progress on strategic management, economic responsibility, product and service quality, environmental protection, occupational health and safety as well as staff development and social welfares, and elaborating on Fosun Pharma’s sustainable development strategy. The Report’s preparation process is in compliance with Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) Sustainability Reporting Guidelines (Version G3.1), and it entrusted SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd (SGS), an independently working company with no conflict of interest to provide independent verification service to the report. The scope of verification, in addition to Fosun Pharma, also covers the site verification for Fosun Pharma’s holding subsidiaries Jiangsu Wanbang Biopharmaceuticals Co., Ltd and Shanghai Fosun Long March Medical Science Co., Ltd, showing the openness, transparency and authenticity with the report. Upon verification, it meets GRI G3.1 version guideline application level B+ standard.

This Report, based on Report 2012, lays more emphasis on the company’s strategic initiatives toward stakeholder communication; the information disclosed is more abundant and systematic. Fosun Pharma has formulated policies that take into account stakeholders’ concerns, and via different mechanism, involving stakeholder groups such as shareholders, partners, employees, customers, consumers and the public in its activities, so as to help them make deep insight into its CSR activities. In terms of EHS, the disclosure contents involve five business segments i.e. the company’s pharmaceutical industry, healthcare service, medical devices, medical diagnosis and pharmaceutical business, comprehensively displaying the company's EHS management system work and its management control supervision work on environment, occupational health and safety over its affiliated firms. When it comes to product and service quality, it has not only disclosed more information about affiliated firms’ marketing compliance and complaint handling activities in pharmaceutical industry, but also added contents in relation to the company’s medical service and medical diagnosis segments.

As to visual expression, the report employed more concise, richer statistic graphs, and made highlight design to key data within it; written words have been reduced and the expression was more intuitive. Meanwhile, to facilitate readers’ reading and understanding, the report has added more cases and stakeholder feedbacks, and increased systematization on data disclosure. For instance, as to EHS, it added the statistic value - tons of SCE for Gross Industrial Output 10,000 yuan, and made comprehensive statistics about various major energy resources consumption conversion equations involved in the production process of each business segment’s affiliated firms; while in terms of salary and benefit system, it added per capita annual salary comparison in the Group for the past five years.

Fosun Pharma issued its Social Responsibility Report in 2009 for the first time, and then issued annually in the same period with its A share annual report. In 2013, the Fosun Pharma Social Responsibility Report 2012 received level AA reporting award (ranking eighth in the year), coming first for social responsibility report mark in pharmaceutical and biological products industry for consecutive five times. Moreover, Fosun Pharma Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2012 was granted the “Growth-type Enterprise” award in the “2013 Golden Bee Outstanding Corporate Social Responsibility Report List” sponsored by WTO Economic Herald.

Fosun Pharma has been following the principle of sustainable development for a long time, taking active role in public welfare undertaking. At present, it has formed perfect public welfare system - the “future star” public welfare program, undertaking its corporate social responsibilities and giving back to society by means of education supporting, funding scientific research, medical health community service, helping sock orphans, contributing to the poor and disaster aid, etc. The company also gave active support to Chinese government’s foreign aid work. Up to year 2013, Fosun Pharma has, for eight times successively, undertaken the foreign-aid and antimalarial related trainings of the Ministry of Commerce; and for four times its foreign-aid drug quality management trainings; the company has cultivated a high quality assistance team with profound awareness on foreign-aid training and proficient language skills, thus receiving high praise from recipient governments and trainees.

Chairman of the Board Chen Qiyu said that this year, Fosun Pharma is going to actively perform its social responsibilities through constant practice, endeavoring to achieve an overall coordination of the enterprise, society and environment, so as to becoming one of the most excellent enterprises in terms of social responsibilities and sustainable development in Chinese or even global medical health area.